Staying relevant, effective and high-performing in the wonderful world of business means solving business challenges, driving initiatives and innovating solutions. Many organisations and teams struggle with doing this consistently across all business processes. Why? Because historically, business leaders make decisions based on the skills, experience and personalities of people within the team.
Working intensively with business leaders to create cohesive cultures and impactful teams utilising proven, research-backed tools recently led me to explore the GC Index®. The GC Index® (a.k.a. The Game-Changing Index) is a people and organisation assessment tool based on a high-level business cycle that measures how people are driven to create impact. Underpinned by extensive and reputable research that met or exceeded the British Psychological Society guidelines before launching in 2016, the GC Index® has unleashed the potential of people to drive better business results in 800+ clients across 30+ countries.
The GC Index® is an action and outcome-oriented business-focused people instrument that bridges the gap between people decisions and business results. Attractive due to its simplicity, direct relevance to decision-making and optimised speed to impact, the GC Index® language maps directly to the typical stages of any project or business process:
With the ability to scale the GC Index® insights to an individual, team, or organisational level, Peopleology is excited to be New Zealand’s first accredited GC Partner. Get in touch if you are interested in focusing on your top business challenges and applying the GC Index® to help solve these.